
Cynthia Gamble

Cynthia Gamble, Cooperative Education Manager, is retiring from the University after 35 years on July 6.  

“Over recent years whenever asked about my length of service at ɫɫӰԺ, I would humorously reply ‘double-digit years.’  I proudly proclaim that it's been ‘35.8 remarkable years of service!’ 

“During my time with Kettering, I've experienced an evolution of roles/responsibilities, school name changes, four presidents, demolishing and building of new structures and the climax - my son being awarded a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering Degree. What a blessed, enjoyable and rewarding journey!”

“So as I prepare to close this chapter of life, my earnest prayer is that I've left a positive impact on the Kettering community, the bright and amazing students as well as supporting Co-op partners. It has been my unwavering endeavor to treat others as I desired to be treated. I am eternally grateful to God and ɫɫӰԺ for affording me such an incredible opportunity. Go Bulldogs!”