
Horsepower to Hyperloops

Welcome to Horsepower to Hyperloops, ɫɫӰԺ’s official podcast, where the Kettering community from around the globe connects and shares groundbreaking ideas, noteworthy advancements and the latest developments in mobility, technology, medicine and many other fields.

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Horsepower to Hyperloops can be found on Apple Podcasts, iHeart, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and Google Podcasts. Or listen to episodes listed below.

Recent Episodes

Students rolling race car into SAE garage

SAE at Kettering: Students in the lab, on the track and in the air

Mechanical engineering professor Dr. Jennifer Bastiaan, one of Kettering's SAE faculty advisers, and students Braydin Jones and Benjamin Spore, discuss all things SAE.

Student at VEX Robotics

Robots - R - US: Robotics Czar Dan Mantz

Dan Mantz, CEO of the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation talks about the upcoming 2024 VEX Robotics World Championships, sponsored by REC, the mission of the REC Foundation. their mission to grow STEM and computer science programs around the world and their venture into drones, online virtual reality and other cutting edge technologies.

John Suh

The Ultimate Mobility Vehicle

The Ultimate Mobility Vehicle – a car with legs developed to take anyone safely anywhere – is at the heart of this episode’s discussion with the UMV’s developer, John Suh, founding director of Hyundai’s New Horizon’s Studio. We were joined by Kettering President Dr. Robert K. McMahan to address various related topics like asking the right question and changing assumptions, that arise when engineering on the edge.

All Episodes

In the Mix

In the Mix is a series where Kettering newsmakers and innovators discuss timely topics such as world hunger solutions, robotics and transportation.

The 48504

In the48504, listen to what's happening in and around campus in the 48504 zip code.

The President's Sketchpad

In the President’s Sketchpad, you can hear President Dr. Robert K. McMahan share insight and ideas relevant to the past, present and future of Kettering.

Bulldog Diaries

Bulldog Diaries contain short vignettes from the past 100 years of Kettering/GMI.

Have an idea or story you'd like featured in a future podcast? Emailcommunications@kettering.edu.