
This also recognizes Kettering’s commitment to sustaining strong Mechanical Engineering program and continued involvement in SAE .”

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International has awarded Dr. Raghu Echempati the Forest R. McFarland Award for his efforts and leadership in contributions to the SAE International Engineering Meetings Board (EMB) Land and Sea Group.

“This is the first award of recognition for my continued involvement and service to SAE,” said Echempati. “This also recognizes Kettering’s commitment to sustaining strong Mechanical Engineering program and continued involvement in SAE .”

Echempati’s work on behalf of the EMBLand and Sea Group includes reviewing technical papers in the areas of Body Design & Engineering, Optimization, Vehicle Dynamics, Metal Forming and NVH. He has also co-organized a session on Body Design and Engineering for and contributed to SAE education at several universities. In addition, he has presented professional papers at the SAE congress.

Echempati is a professor of Mechanical Engineering. He holds a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, with expertise in design simulation and metal forming. He will receive the award at the SAE 2009 World Congress and Exhibition at Cobo Center in Detroit, April 21.

The McFarland award recognizes individuals for outstanding contributions toward the work of the EMB in the planning, development, and dissemination of technical information through technical meetings, conferences and professional development programs or outstanding contributions to the EMB operations in facilitating or enhancing the interchange of technical information.

Established in 1979, the Award is administered by the EMB and honors the late Forest R. McFarland who was himself an outstanding session organizer, chairman of the Activity previously known as Passenger Car Activity, and a member of the EMB.