
A special digital version of ɫɫӰԺ Spring 2020 Magazine features an insiders' look at how the University is putting safety first as it maneuvers the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is available online here.

Originally, the cover story gave readers a sneak peek into the next 100 years of Kettering’s embrace of the future – including the launch of a varsity sport (esports), the retooling of certain degree programs with a focus on immediate needs of the industry and to better prepare the future STEM leaders of tomorrow, the groundbreaking of a new Learning Commons and more.

But as the COVID-19 situation has evolved and continues to impact our world and Kettering’s entire community, the decision was made to shift gears and make the cover story one that delves into the difficult and important decisions the University has taken to keep students, staff and faculty safe in these unprecedented times.

And while COVID-19 has dominated conversations, airwaves and the lives of everyone in the world, there’s also some inspiration to be found in the other stories featured in the magazine. Readers can relive the University’s once-in-a-centennial look back at Founders’ Week festivities with photos and recaps, profiles of students, alumni and faculty who define innovation, a tribute to ɫɫӰԺ Distinguished Alumni Al Sobey ’45 and more.

A print version of the magazine will be available soon.