
The ɫɫӰԺ delegates at the Harvard National Model United Nations Conference.

The ɫɫӰԺ Model United Nations team narrowly passed two resolutions at the Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) Conference in Boston from Feb. 16 to Feb. 19.

The Kettering delegation of America Chavez (‘26, Applied Biology), Bassam Jehangir (‘27, ME), Eric Lozano (‘26, Engineering), Kevin Patterson (‘24, EE), Austin Schmitz (‘22, ME), Hemanth Tadepalli (‘23, CS) and Liberal Arts Professor Dr. Michael Callahan represented the countries of Chile and Indonesia for three committees: Disarmament and International Security; Social, Humanitarian and Cultural; and Special Political and Decolonization.

As part of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, Tadepalli and Schmitz successfully passed a resolution focusing on various aspects of space exploration, its technology, cleaning up space debris and cybersecurity behind the communication with satellites. The committee's goal is to create comprehensive solutions to address several questions among the international community regarding the peaceful use of outer space.

Tadepalli said Kettering students draw on their engineering backgrounds to offer unique perspectives to their respective committees.

“Kettering has helped students understand the world issues through the liberal studies classes, and with the technical writing that students learn through engineering classes, we were gracious to know how to communicate our stances,” Tadepalli said. “Kettering students bring a unique perspective to the table at the conference because many of the other students major in international relations or political science, where we are STEM majors that can help with the technical decisions and clauses in the resolutions.”

Disarmament and International Security Committee members Jehangir and Patterson also passed a resolution regarding sending aid to countries impacted by the Tigray War.

“Some delegates brought in glass plates and smashed them on the ground to represent how the war affected the area and the urgency of our committee passing a resolution to provide aid,” Patterson said. “The real question was how much assistance we provided so all countries could be self-sufficient and independent. That is why we named our committee TAPAS, because, like food, there are multiple ways to make them or provide aid.”

Both resolutions passed by one vote.

HNMUN has been an annual forum for hundreds of college students from more than 40 countries for nearly 70 years. Students learn how to negotiate with other people and collaborate with like-minded representatives. 

They work together on policy proposals and detailed programs to solve critical global topics ranging from drone technology to territorial sovereignty.