
Dr. Diane Peters, Mechanical Engineering, earned the “Outstanding Faculty Advisor” award at the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) annual awards program on August 22.

The award recognizes Peters’ leadership on campus as she mentors engineers in the Kettering chapter of SWE for both A- and B-sections.

Lezlie Koch ‘19, Mechanical Engineering major and A-Section SWE President, nominated Peters for the prestigious award.

Diane Peters“I nominated Dr. Peters because of her passion for SWE and how active she is within the sections,” Koch said. “She is always pushing the section to grow and not only be more active on campus but also on a national level.”

In 2016, Peters was also named a SWE Fellow, which recognizes SWE members for their continuous service to the advancement of women in the engineering profession. She received the honor for blending academic excellence with industry experience, for creativity that excites and challenges students and for reminding women engineers of all ages to reach back and inspire the next generation.

Peters also serves as a faculty advisor on Koch’s thesis committee and has helped facilitate her growth professionally on campus and as an engineer in her co-op position at The Dow Chemical Company.

Peters is also currently engaged in a evaluating collegiate engineering education and is an advisor for the AutoDrive team that was selected to participate in an

“Dr. Peters is very passionate about anything she gets involved with,” Koch said.