
ɫɫӰԺ students from all majors now have an exciting option to approach their degree as environmental stewards.

This fall, the College of Sciences and Liberal Arts is excited to launch the Generating Responsible Ecological & Environmental Neighbors (GREEN) course cluster, a series of courses designed for students who are passionate about environmental issues. This optional program is unique in that various disciplines come together, allowing students to create solutions that address environmental and social needs.

“The GREEN cluster allows students to explore their passion for the environment and learn various manners in which to approach environmental issues while drawing on the expertise they are learning in their particular major and co-op,” said Dr. James Cohen, ɫɫӰԺ Biology faculty member.

Students study biology at ɫɫӰԺ.

Courses in the interdisciplinary program include biology, communications, liberal studies and math. In years three and four, students will take two interdisciplinary, team-taught sequences.

“The course cluster design is unique in that it is not a major or a minor—it is truly interdisciplinary. Students from any academic program can participate, so there will be a diverse group of students from different majors who are dedicated to the future of the planet,” said Dr. Laura Vosejpka, Dean of the College of Sciences and Liberal Arts.

The courses are designed to fulfill graduation requirements, allowing students to take the pathway without a significant number of extra course credits required, she said.

The cluster is innovative in its infusion of lecture, laboratory and discussion activities, within the same term, to provide students with a holistic comprehension of multiple environmental and ecological issues. GREEN invites students to engage with diverse environmental issues, analyze complex human-environmental interactions and examine ethical, political and social strategies to address positive and responsible change at various community levels. GREEN students will be environmental stewards who will learn to employ best practices in sustainability, conservation, restoration, and regeneration across a number of disciplinary perspectives.

Ecological and environmental issues are some of the most pressing of the time, and the GREEN cluster provides students with an opportunity to engage these challenging topics from scientific, engineering and human perspectives, said Dr. Julia Kiernan, Kettering Liberal Arts faculty member.

“A central purpose of this cluster, particularly, is to bring together like-minded individuals—faculty and students—who are concerned about a shared human issue. The cluster will engage them in not only classroom experiences, but also important social experiences,” Kiernan said. “Creating relationships is an important part of accomplishing many goals, and the small size and individual attention that students will receive being members of this cluster reiterates the importance of building relationships and working collaboratively with others, especially those with different perspectives and experiences.”

Students interested in the GREEN course cluster can contact Julia Kiernan and Jim Cohen at green@kettering.edu or visit kettering.edu.