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There's a new look at the corner of Third and Chevrolet ... the northeast corner, that is.

Three empty buildings are being removed to eventually make way for new businesses that will cater to the neighborhood. "This was a long time coming," said David Doherty, Kettering's vice president for international and governmental activities. "We hope this is a big day for the residential community around us. We want to replace these buildings with restaurants that people from the neighborhood can walk to."

Doherty said other retail ideas are also being examined, including the possibility of a bookstore and coffee shop.

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The demolition site is on the Kettering campus. A fourth building on the block is the Flint Children's Museum, which is also on the Kettering campus. The museum recently completed a $750,000 renovation and re-opened in June with new hands-on exhibits for children aged 2-10. The museum, which has a 50-year lease with the University, will rebuild its exterior west wall to better match the brick at Kettering. (For more on the Flint Children's Museum, visit: )

Assisting with the demolition project is the Flint West Village Community Development Corp., which has helped Kettering eliminate nearly 70 structures in the nearby area. The joint effort has removed an old bank, a bar and a gas station from the neighborhood, along with a variety of older or abandoned houses.

Doherty noted that there are no firm plans for construction at this time. "Whatever is built there will be an asset to nearby Mott Park, one of Flint's best neighborhoods," he added.

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Written by Patricia Mroczek
(810) 762-9533