
Students showcase their inventions at ɫɫӰԺ.

Students from five Genesee County schools will present their invention ideas from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 7, at the 100K Ideas/ɫɫӰԺ Young Innovators Fair at ɫɫӰԺ.

The third- through eighth-grade students are part of the Kettering Young Innovator Program, a project-based curriculum that provides hands-on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) enrichment opportunities. The program helps schools get students involved in fun invention curriculum through a teachable unit, a club or an after-school program culminating in a school competition. The top inventions from the competitions are selected to move on to the Young Innovators Fair.

This year, 132 students from Mason Elementary, McGrath Elementary, Myers Elementary, Perry Innovation Center, Brendel Elementary, Indian Hill Elementary, and Swartz Creek Elementary and Middle schools will present their inventions to judges and other students. The top 64 students will advance to the Michigan Invention Convention at The Henry Ford Museum.

 “We are grateful to 100K Ideas and Vivian Williams for taking on the programming to continue to offer STEM curriculum to engage students in thinking outside the box,” said Sarah Perkins, Lead Cooperative Education Manager at Kettering and former Young Innovators program organizer. “We are excited to welcome these students for a 10th time to showcase their innovative ideas and participate in two, hands-on STEM workshops with our faculty, staff and students. These young innovators have the unique thinking Kettering students use daily in their classes and at their co-ops.”

This is the first year the event includes 100K Ideas, a Flint-based non-profit organization dedicated to helping innovators create products, services and startups through mentorship. 

“This transition fits perfectly with 100K Ideas’ mission and wishes to be more involved with youth engagement throughout Genesee County,” said Vivian Williams, Community Engagement Coordinator for the organization. “100K Ideas is excited to continue the Young Innovators Program as well as grow the program to include more students in the coming years.”

Following their presentations, students will have lunch and hear from a guest speaker from 100K Ideas. After lunch, students will participate in various hands-on STEM activities.