

Kettering Students Appreciate Our Donors

Avery Hartsock, Class of 2022

Applied Mathematics
Hans ’38 and Gertrude Matthias Scholarship

“Thanks to you, your donation allows for me to stress about one less thing while I am going to school. And allows for my mom and dad to stress about one less thing while trying to help pay for school. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. It is because of donors like you that allow for many students to achieve their dreams and obtain a higher education.”

Ariel Collins, Class of 2024

Chemical Engineering
Gallahue Scholars Program

“This scholarship has helped me in more ways than you know. Paying for school on my own is tough. My parents help where they can but most of it comes out of my own pocket. This scholarship allows me to continue my education.”

Audrey Marsman, Class of 2024

Computer Science
Cerri Family Scholarship

“Words cannot explain how thankful I am to receive this scholarship. It’s made a huge difference in my life and has given me the opportunity to not only attend Kettering, but to also go after my dreams.”

Devon Carriere, Class of 2024

Computer Science
The Dan and Doris Powell Scholarship

“I’m very excited to receive your scholarship. College is very important to my family. My parents didn’t get to go to college after high school, so you can imagine how important they made it to me. They have always stressed that education is permanent, and well worth going into debt for. But with that, they also expressed the importance of scholarships.”

Preston Buska, Class of 2023

Mechanical Engineering
Daniel ’87 and Robin Nicholson Endowed Scholarship Fund

“With scholarships, the financial burden of affording college is substantially alleviated. Because of your support, I can better focus on my studies and not worry about having to pay for college as much.”

Tani Viruez, Class of 2023

Applied Mathematics
The Gabriel and Martha Stahl Endowed Scholarship

“I want to say thank you once again for allowing me to use this scholarship to further my education at ɫɫӰԺ. I genuinely wouldn’t have been able to do this without you, and I am very thankful that you’re helping many female Hispanic students that want to succeed in the STEM field.”

Johannah Momenee, Class of 2022

Mechanical Engineering

Lawrence B. ’51 and Anna Mary Buggia Family Scholarship

“My main priority when coming to ɫɫӰԺ was to fulfill my late-father’s legacy. Every day, I think about how proud he would be to see me succeeding in the engineering field. This scholarship plays a great role in making that possible.”

Moses Harris, Class of 2022

Mechanical Engineering
Charles F. Kettering Merit Scholars Award

“The scholarship I have received renders me a tremendous step closer to achieving the goals I have set for myself by making it affordable to attend a school such as Kettering with more resources and career opportunities that I would otherwise not be able to due to financial circumstances.”